Thought Leadership

NPS in Healthcare: All You Need to Know

The healthcare industry is focusing more on customer-centric approaches to improve patient care, and one powerful metric is the Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS is often used in business to measure customer loyalty. In healthcare, it presents unique opportunities and challenges. Here's what you need to know about NPS in healthcare, its benefits, limitations, and how to best ...

By |2024-11-27T15:05:35+00:00November 20, 2024|Thought Leadership|

New research proves that hospitals with better patient experiences make more money

A potentially valuable insight from the analysis, and already well understood in other commercial sectors, is that a decline in patient experience ratings can be a predictor of declining financial performance. For senior leaders in healthcare, this underlines the value of patient experience ratings as a financial performance indicator as well as a quality and safety measure. Cemplicity ...

By |2024-12-06T17:10:25+00:00September 23, 2024|Thought Leadership|

Determining good and statistically significant response rates

“If we don’t have a response rate of 80% or more, I’m not going to use the results. The people who don’t respond might be quite different to the ones that do”. (Anon.) Welcome to our world of response rate discussions in healthcare settings, where every patient voice matters. Our clients are experts in running health services and ...

By |2025-01-13T15:16:14+00:00August 14, 2024|Thought Leadership|

Does the timing of surveys matter?

Last week, Josh, who leads our London-based account management team, mentioned an interesting snippet from one of our clients which brought to life an important attribute of a well-designed patient experience (PREMs) programme. Our recommendations to clients are based on published evidence and also our experience from across our client base of what works and what doesn’t. We ...

By |2024-05-02T13:16:01+00:00October 12, 2022|Thought Leadership|

Quarterly Reflections

The borders are open, but do we need to leave? With borders opening up around the world, it's been interesting to see how quickly the business world has leapt at the chance to head overseas. Planes are filled with people visiting clients, introducing partners and meeting staff for the first time. And I'm not immune – I've just ...

By |2024-05-03T10:14:52+00:00July 25, 2022|Thought Leadership|

95% response rate is possible

We always get a lot of questions about when and how to send surveys (i.e., survey timing post-discharge, email vs SMS), which questions to use (i.e., general, or condition-specific validated question sets) and what they should look like to be mobile and patient-friendly. But above all else, the questions we seem to get the most are always: “What ...

By |2024-05-03T10:55:09+00:00December 7, 2020|Thought Leadership|

Gender and Ethnicity

So, I recently had one of my worst fears realised: someone called a survey of mine racist. Now for any survey creator or anyone whose work is shared publicly, in terms of social crimes, when you're criticised of offending or excluding members of society, it doesn't get much worse than that. For some, asking others about demographic information ...

By |2024-05-03T12:19:15+00:00September 15, 2020|Thought Leadership|

Now is the time to care for carers

Over past months, our healthcare workers have been asked to sacrifice their family life and personal health to care for our vulnerable loved ones. It is a powerful reminder that a healthcare system is only as good as its dedicated carers. Around the world nurses, doctors and carers are currently reporting unprecedented levels of mental and physical stress, ...

By |2024-05-03T12:56:22+00:00June 1, 2020|Thought Leadership|

Why and how to measure staff engagement

A workforce under pressure With increasing pressure on the healthcare workforce, the issue of staff engagement is coming more sharply into focus. Across all sectors, the physical and mental wellbeing of employees are predictors of desirable organisational outcomes such as effectiveness, productivity and innovation. They can also predict undesirable outcomes such as absenteeism and staff turnover. And in ...

By |2024-05-03T13:02:22+00:00April 29, 2020|Thought Leadership|